Digitally transform your reports & case files with BSCs Law Enforcement Scanning Services.
Our Service Bureau specializes in high quality document scanning and conversion services. By utilizing our Service Bureau, BSC can effectively help you digitize your reports and case files. In addition, you can also utilize our document management software solution for archiving paper documents.
Our service bureau offers document scanning services, as well as large format scanning services, bound material/book scanning services, and microfiche, aperture card, & microfilm scanning services. We also offer many storage options for Law Enforcement which includes: lockers, weapons storage, file storage, evidence storage & much more.
Also, when using our document scanning services, you will be reducing your real estate space. This happens through digitizing your paper files and converting them to a PDF or TIFF format.
Digital Benefits of BSCs Law Enforcement Scanning Services:
- Access digital records at your desktop or smart device
- Disaster recovery solution
- Reclaim valuable floor space
- Long term archival solution
Interested? Contact Business Systems & Consultants today at (205) 988-3300 or complete our contact form and we’ll help you find the perfect scanning solution for all of your needs. Based in Birmingham, BSC provides mobile scanning services as well as software and storage systems throughout Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Arkansas, and Florida.