Professional Services

Data Entry Services

In today’s fast-paced business environment, accurate data is essential for effective operations. For years, BSC has delivered reliable Data Entry and Data Capture solutions across the Southeast and beyond. Our clients trust us to provide timely, precise data files to keep their operations running smoothly.

Document and Data Capture Services

Efficient business processes rely on accurate data to function seamlessly. Data flows into a process, gets transformed, and is then released as output throughout the process lifecycle. Whether it’s flowing electronically or stored on paper, accurate data is crucial to optimizing business workflows.

Image & Data Migration Services

Information is being generated at an unprecedented rate, driven by Moore’s Law, which states that computing power doubles every two years. This means today’s systems are 16 times more powerful than just six years ago. With global advancements in software development, we’re facing a perfect storm of technological progress and information growth.

ECM Software Support

As technology becomes more complex and the demand for workflow automation increases, decision-makers are insisting that their document management system solutions come with reliable support and services. Achieving a strong return on investment requires the backing of experienced professionals to ensure seamless implementation and ongoing success.

Hardware and Scanner Repair Services

BSC is your one-stop solutions provider. Our certified and trained technicians can install and maintain all the equipment we offer, whether it’s new or legacy hardware. We service a wide range of equipment, including microfilm scanners, reader printers, Kardex vertical carousels, and check/document scanners.

File Relocation Services

With the complexity and size of most file rooms, file conversion and relocation require specialized skills. Whether transferring files between systems or locations, challenges arise. Let Business Systems & Consultants, Inc. handle the task with our expert file conversion and file room relocation services in Birmingham, making the process seamless for your organization.

Automated AP Processing Whitepaper5 Things You’re Missing if Your AP Automation Solution Doesn’t Have Predictive Analytics

5 Things You’re Missing if Your AP Automation Solution Doesn’t Have Predictive Analytics