Electronic Forms to Streamline Data Capture

Flexible and Advanced Data Collection

Optimize your business processes by replacing paper forms with electronic forms processing. Electronic forms are designed to be implemented and integrated with your document management system which only eases the workflow automation process. Electronic forms can enable your organization to do business with customers across multiple channels anywhere, anytime, and via any device. Create and host forms directly in your ECM system for use by internal or external customers to drive workflow activities.

Paper forms slow the process down, but electronic forms not only move the process along at a quicker rate but enhance it.

Why Go Digital?

  • Security: Handwritten signatures and signed paper documents can be easily forged with existing technology. It is easy to create a document that looks as good as the original.
  • Efficiency and Productivity: Business cycles can be substantially streamlined and reduced – templates and forms can be easily shared and integrated together with an electronic signature solution.
  • Flexibility: Physical distance becomes meaningless.
  • Cost Reduction: No printing, faxing, delivering, or physical storage of documents reducing overhead costs.

As you may agree paper processes can be inefficient and costly while electronic forms provide an economical way to collect, analyze, and store information. Digital processes shift easily from paper forms to e-forms, making them accessible anywhere. This, in turn, will speed business processes by using data to automate your solutions and update business systems. Finally, it will eliminate data entry mistakes saving valuable time and resources.


The Disadvantages of Paper Forms:

  • Challenging to Manage
  • Expensive
  • Lower Quality Data
  • Difficult to Analyze
  • Inaccessibility

The Advantages of Electronic Forms:

  • Drive enterprise workflow automation
  • Streamline indexing and retrieval
  • Feed data into dashboards and reports instantly
  • Improved accuracy
  • Eliminates costs
  • Intuitive user interface

reasons for digital transformation15 Critical Reasons for Digital Transformation

Find out why over 80% of organizations rank digital transformation as either “important” or “very important” in addressing disruptive challenges to their current business model.

15 Critical Reasons for Digital Transformation

Find out why over 80% of organizations rank digital transformation as either “important” or “very important” in addressing disruptive challenges to their current business model.