by BSC Solutions | Feb 22, 2018 | Articles, Case Studies, Media, Microfilm & Microfiche Scanning
E-ImageData, an industry leader in the development of micrographic equipment, releases a product that takes the hassle out of microfiche research and brings working with microfiche into the digital age. The AUTO-Fiche Carrier, users can quickly find their microfiche...
by BSC Solutions | Feb 16, 2018 | Articles, Automation, Case Studies, Document Automation, Media
Many benefits come from using AP Automation. AP invoice automation uses a variety of technologies to reduce the number of manual steps needed to complete the purchase-to-pay cycle. Technologies such as document imaging, data capture, workflow, and integration with ERP...
by BSC Solutions | Dec 19, 2017 | Articles, Case Studies, Media
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is the first federal law that thoroughly addresses health privacy. There are three main sections of HIPAA: electronic transactions, privacy, and security. The HIPAA Privacy Rule covers regulations on...