BSC now offers PSIGEN Software Inc.’s accounts payable solution software. This software aids in simplifying the accounts payable processes throughout your organization.

First, we should examine why an organization would need software to streamline their accounts payable process – a significant factor that can cause this need is the price and time manually completing these AP tasks will take. For example, the average cost to manually process an invoice is $22.75, the average time it takes to manually process an invoice is 16.3 days, the cost of labor to find a misfiled document is $120, and the cost to reproduce a lost document is $220. In comparison to manual AP processes, software-automated AP processes have an average cost to process an invoice of $3.40, the average time it takes to process an invoice with AP automation is 6.1 days, and automated AP processing greatly reduces or eliminates the issue of lost documents and errors.

What are the benefits of Accounts Payable Solution Software?

There are a variety of benefits that can be achieved through this Accounts Payable solution software, the most glaring are:

  • Increase the overall productivity of Accounts Payable staff by eliminating or greatly
    reducing manual data entry
  • Reduce the number of hours staff spends processing invoices
  • Eliminate or significantly reduce the issue of lost invoices
  • Trade in late payment penalties for early payment discounts
  • Reduce the cost of processing an invoice and save significant money in the long-run
  • Improve the audit process


Interested? If you would like to know more about AP Software to simplify your accounts payable processes, contact Business Systems & Consultants today at (205) 988-3300 or complete our contact form and we’ll help find the perfect solution for all of your needs. Based in Birmingham, BSC provides mobile storage systems as well as software solutions and scanning services throughout the southeast. This includes Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Arkansas, and Florida.