Move from distributing hardcopy mail to digitizing mail when you convert to a digital mailroom. When digitizing your mail, you ensure a secure delivery to onsite and remote employees.

Digital mailrooms are great idea for 2021, considering Covid-19 and how it has affected the way many people work. Now more than ever there is a push for a diverse work environment, with many companies making the switch to a hybrid office. Thus resulting to some employees working in the office while others continue to work from home.

At BSC, we want to introduce an exciting new software module to automate your mailroom process! We now offer a solution to deliver company mail that will be routed to the appropriate knowledge workers, making your hybrid or remote offices mail delivery completely digital and much more efficient. Our software product provides the ability to receive daily email notifications to update you on new mail received. It is easy to access your scanned mail, view and update the status of it, as well as reroute the workflow ability if required. Digitizing your mailroom process also protects employees and your firm, while also making your company more efficient.

Benefits of a Digital Mailroom Include:

  • Same-day access to Mail – regardless of employee location
  • Eliminate hand-delivered mail – reduces risk of disease transmission
  • Protects records privacy
  • Employees have a secure, organized location that auto stores their mail
  • Auditable electronic record of incoming mail – Date/Time Stamp when received and reviewed
  • Increase productivity and customer service level


Interested? Contact Business Systems & Consultants today at (205) 988-3300 or complete our contact form and we’ll help you find the perfect solution for all of your needs. Based in Birmingham, BSC provides mobile storage systems as well as software and scanning services throughout Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Arkansas, and Florida.