Why Records Management?

Records and document management affects far more than just office clutter and organization. Records management systems should organize information to be timely, complete, accurate, usable, and easily accessible. Meeting document management objectives creates an environment for a business to succeed, and create efficient service, avoid costs, and uphold ethical or legal responsibilities. Whether a business handles sensitive medical records, historical archives, or financial records, how they handle their physical and digital documents affects their bottom line and achievement of objectives. Here are the reasons a records management solutions prove to be a success for any business.


  1. Lower operating costs

A proper records management system will decrease the time and labor associated with searching for lost records when there is not an organized system in place. Records keeping and administration already take a large amount of money to maintain with filing systems, office space, and staff.


  1. Ensure productivity and efficiency

When staff is searching for misplaced information, that time spent is non-productive, and could be used in a more valuable way. An organizational upgrade to record keeping methods enhances information retrieval while simultaneously improving the efficiency and flow of all office activities. Whether a business has a digital or physical document management system, an effective index will deliver the right information to users exactly when they need it.


  1. Comply with Regulations and Reduce Legal Risks

The United States places heavy regulations on records keeping. Keeping track of these laws can pose a large compliance challenge for many businesses. The only way to reduce the risks of potential compliance penalties and litigations are to have a consistently implemented document management system. This reduces the likelihood of being liable for records disposal, and having to pay legal fines.


  1. Better Decision Making

Big data is booming in the modern business world. Data is seen with extremely high value. Records created today hold vital background data that can be used in the future to make important business decisions. Managers use this data to plan for the future, but if it is not accessible or correct, there is no way to apply information found in data to their decision making.


  1. Maintain a Proper Working Environment

A messy office is an opportunity for a variety of problems. Files and boxes stacked everywhere create a less than ideal working environment. Customers see this as unprofessional, and staff sees this as a hazard. Even the best, most organized system will not help if there is not enough space for it. Investing in high density storage or going digital with documents will help organize more information into a smaller space.


  1. Data Security

Every organization has vital records that if lost, would cause major costs to the business. Natural disasters happen without warning. Weather, fire, and termites can damage and destroy irreplaceable records. With safe physical storage with a digital backup, a business can ensure they are protecting their vulnerable records from catastrophe. It is also important to protect the privacy of sensitive documents, such as medical records, legal records, and other vital documents. Exposure of this information can damage a brand, and can cause an array of legal problems.


Thankfully, BSC has a variety of solutions that are customized to any need. Document scanning services, enterprise content management solutions, e-forms, workflow, and data capture software solutions are just a few solutions we provide. Let us help automate your business process to manage your information more efficiently. Contact BSC today, and we’ll give you a free consultation. Talk to a rep today. (205) 988-3300